Friday, May 9, 2014

Thank you Nay!

Once a year, the world has dedicated a day entirely for the people who have one of the toughest job in the world, being a mother. But a mother doesn't have to mean that she is the person who carried you in her womb for nine months nor it has to be a woman, this person can be anyone who cared for you, the one person who made you feel how to be loved by a mom. To all the mom's out there, Happy Mother's Day and to my mother, this one is for you. :)

Dear Nanay,

Thank you for always believing in me even when I have stopped believing in myself. 
You have never doubted me, not even once. You always see the best in me and helps me believe that I am able to do great things.

Thank you for being my friend and helping me mend a broken heart 
I remember you crying along with me when my first love broke my heart. I can feel your heart breaking as well. I know you prayed for me a lot. Thank you for hugging me tight when I felt the world is ganging up on me. You made me feel that despite all the heartbreaks I am going to experience in this life, I'll always have you and you'll help me pick up the pieces. You'll help me heal the wounds of my broken heart just like you've healed my wounded knees when I was little. Thank you for making me feel that you'll love the pain away. That you'll always love me.

Thank you for all the sacrifices you have made for us
You always put us first before yourself. It's always for us, never for you even when we have grown older, you always thinks of us first. Up to now, you still choose to give the bigger piece of food to us. I cannot recall a single moment that you chose yourself first. Nay, I know we cannot repay all the sacrifices you have made for us, but we are hoping that we could at least help you live a comfortable life now that you have a discount card in Jollibee. :)

Thank you for loving us unconditionally
Thank you for never giving up on us even at our worsts. Thank you for giving everything that you have. Thank you for loving us in every way that you can without even expecting we'd do the same for you. Thank you for making us feel loved. I appreciate you checking up on me every now and then as if I am still the clumsy little girl who used to come home with scratched knees. I am sorry if I sometimes fail to check up on you and Tatay.

To the one person who loved all of me, my faults and my imperfections, to the most loving person I know, to my mother, my rock, Happy Mother's day. I love you so much.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sirenang Nalason ng Chlorine

7/10 ko na sa aking swimming lesson with coach Jose. So far, so far. lol. Medyo sablay pa ang form at kulang pa sa relax. More practice! :D

Monday, February 10, 2014

New Blog (Food and Staying Fit)

Since I've been cooking a lot lately, I've decided to create a blog dedicated on food and staying fit. hahaha.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Updates! Updates! Updates!

So here is what I have done so far,

1. In line with my lose 15lbs goal, I have joined the MMA Gym near my apartment together with some friends. I have started doing boxing. :) It's not an easy exercise. I think I lost a limb. haha. I have attended 2 sessions so far. Every sessions costs me around 270 pesos (session fee, tip and water) so I plan to do the boxing every Friday and Sunday because the gym offers 50% off on session fee during the said days. Boxing is a bit costly but I think it's worth it. Each session lasts for 1-2 hours.

2. With regards to my swimming lesson, I have enrolled in TriSwimJose. :) I will start my first session this afternoon. Yay! :) This costs 3000Php for 10 sessions (pool fee excluded. 125 pesos per session in Army Gym). This is one I think is money well spent. This can save my life. haha.

3. I have gone to the dermatologist last Sunday. :) Had a facial. So I am still on track with my care for my skin goal. Another thing is I had my eye checked and had also bought a new pair of eye glasses. My 6 year-old glasses really need to retire asap.

4. With the savings for emergency fund, I am currently behind but I'll try to catch up in the following months. I've had a lot of expenses this month. I bought glasses, paid for gym membership, swimming lesson, gym bag and a new sofa. hahaha. So I have negative savings for this month which something I am not proud of. Boo.

5. For my UPOU application, I have already gathered the requirements expect for one, my recommendation letter from a former professor which I will meet tomorrow. I think by Friday, I can already send my application to UP.

6. I am still on track with my Kuripot-Pinay challenge. Yay me! :)

7. Out of the country trip. (I am scheduled to go to Malaysia-Laos in March. :D I just need to apply for 3 days leave. haha.)

That's it for now. I still need to take driving lesson. The FAMI thing will be changed to Sunlife. My friend will become an agent so she will help us out. :p

Monday, January 6, 2014

Cheers to A New Year!

I have created this blog to document my adventures in Shanghai. After 2 years and a few months, I have decided to come back home. I found a new job in a company located in BGC, the traffic lights capital of Manila. haha. So what to do now with this blog? I figured I could just use this to blog about my everyday quarter-life crisis in the gates of hell. =))

I want to start blogging for this year with my goals for 2014. I don't do resolutions. I just set goals that I need to achieve for the year.

Here is my list (in no particular order)
1. Apply for MIS in UPOU
2. Start investing in FAMI(MF)
3. Lose 15lbs (I know, 15lbs is quite ambitious)
    Therefore I need to exercise more and eat right.
4. (I accepted this challenge!)
5. Achieve my target emergency fund amount
6. Care more for my skin (A friend of mine once uttered these words, "I need to take care of myself more")
7. Bake more often
8. Take driving lessons
9. Take swimming lesson
10. Take at least one out of the country trip
11. Go to at least 3 local(Philippines) destinations
12. Take my family to a vacation

So far, I have gone to Baler last weekend, so I have achieved a part of goal number 9. I have also started gathering the requirements for UPOU application. :D